
June in Ballyclare

It is Monday and I’m up in Ballyclare
The green world’s covered with a frock of white
The hawthorn hedges bursting in a river of champagne ,
of Cava and of Chardonnay , the froth among the rushes is flowing through the spikes
The bubble and the hush of running water over stones
Cow parsley in a boiling tide
Is rising up in towering and crashing waves of foam
And wild parsnips shake their woolly heads , the colour of old bone

the world’s exploding silently
the cattle , resting stomachs on the ground
are regurgitating , chewing ,
languid in the heavy air
As if this all this was normal
and they know what’s going on but hardly care

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   A.G. 03/06/2019


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